Davis® for Adults Programs

A picture of an older woman looking at a laptop and looking confused.
  • Do you try to hide mistakes?

  • Are you often uncertain about spelling, word meaning, or which "rule" to follow with grammar?

  • Do you have too many coping mechanisms to keep up with?

  • Do your symptoms get worse when overwhelmed or stressed out?

  • Do you remember struggling in school as a child?

...if any of these are true, Dyslexia could be the cause - we can help!

We SPECIALIZE in working with adults of all ages who are struggling with Dyslexia and/or ADD/ADHD - no diagnosis necessary!

The program is completed in a 5-day "boot camp" with follow-up work necessary once the week is complete. Scheduling can be flexible.

Why are the Davis® Programs a great fit for adults?

  • The Programs are facilitated one-on-one and is designed to meet your specific goals and areas for improvement.

  • The Davis Programs are a completed in as little as one-week(Depending on the program), intensive programs - no weekly visits!

  • Follow-up work is done independently - on your schedule!

  • They provide tools for focus, mental clarity, stress-management, energy-level management and skills that will ease reading difficulties.

If you are in need of an official diagnosis, you will want to contact a Neuropsychologist or Psychoeducational Counselor in your area. They will do extensive testing and will be able to provide you and your workplace with official documentation. Be sure to ask them for a "Dyslexia Test," as many will not use the word Dyslexia in their diagnosis unless asked specifically.

A picture of a woman in an office.

How do the Davis® Programs work for adults

Motivated adults bring a level of maturity and self-awareness that make the program extremely rewarding and successful! We have helped adults of all ages to improve their reading, writing, spelling, focus, and stress-levels.

A picture of a man giving presentation to an audience in chairs.

Working one-on-one through the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Programs steps in a 100% judgement-free-zone, adults are able to confront and release confusion and anxiety with letters, words, and punctuation - finally understanding how to control the dyslexic symptoms that make functioning in various situations difficult. Dynamic Learning Solutions has helped adults conquer their stresses with:

  • Interviewing

  • Public Speaking or reading out loud

  • Studying/understanding complex subjects (college or work-related)

  • Commonly misused or misspelled words

  • Punctuation/grammar usage

  • Stress management

  • Focusing techniques

  • Listening skills

  • ...and much more!

For a more details on the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program please contact us or visit:

Email at: Info@MastermindLS.com
Located in Morrison, Colorado & Denver, Colorado

Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.

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