Our Approach

Living with Dyslexia can feel like a curse but it doesn't have to. We are proud to offer Davis Dyslexia Correction® programs. The Davis® Method is a highly effective, non-traditional suite of programs for dyslexia and other learning differences. The program has seen a 97% success rate in helping clients overcome their learning problems. The Davis® Method gives individuals the tools to use their inherent, natural strengths to overcome specific areas of academic or workplace difficulties. The method was developed by Ronald D. Davis, after a breakthrough discovery enabled him to overcome his own severe dyslexia at the age of 38.

Mastermind Learning Center guides people of all ages to master their minds in 4 steps:

A picture of a teenage girl pointing at a paper on a desk while another woman watches.

1. Davis® Assessment

  • Assess client's motivation and willingness

  • Will the client benefit from a Davis® Program?

  • Determine the best program for a client & the amount of days needed

  • Determine client's strengths and weaknesses

  • Outline the program for parents and client

A picture of young girl making an animal with clay.

2. Davis® Program

  • 1 week, 30 hour program, one-on-one and interactive

  • Training of self-help techniques for controlling perception and turning off disorientation

  • Mastery of confusing letters/numbers/symbols

  • Balance and co-ordination improvement through koosh ball exercises

  • Self-awareness tools for reducing stress and controlling energy levels

A picture of a Dad, boy, and Mom sitting on a couch listening to an instructor.

3. Support Training

  • For parent or support person

  • Held on last day of program

  • Feedback and training ensures continued success at home

  • Post Program recommendations

A picture of someone using a laptop to have a video call with a woman.

4. Post Program Follow-up

  • Continued use of Davis® Tools during reading and Symbol Mastery

  • Client and support person complete trigger words at home

  • Koosh ball & focus exercises

  • Virtual or in-person post program visits with your facilitator

Watch this video to learn about the Davis® Method:

This animated video provides an excellent introduction and overview of the key elements of the Davis® Method.

This video was created by Dynamic Learning Solution which is another licensed Davis® provider located in South Africa.

Email at: Info@MastermindLS.com
Located in Morrison, Colorado & Denver, Colorado

Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.

Copyright © MASTERMIND Learning Solutions